Mushroom Collection

The Mushroom Collection is inspired by the whimsical magic of fairy tales. Humbly emerging from the earth, these fungi have been known for thousands of years to contain mystical powers. They have been used by shamans from cultures all over the world to procure enlightenment and celebrate the deep interconnectedness of life. Michael’s iconic Butterfly Ginkgo is perched upon each piece, further tying in the notion of metamorphosis and transcendent experiences.

Mushroom Collection - Michael Aram
Michael Aram Mushroom Knob
Michael Aram Mushroom Trinket Dish
Michael Aram Mushroom Cheeseboard with Spreader
Michael Aram Mushroom Tray
Michael Aram Mushroom Accent Table Lamp
Michael Aram Mushroom Poof
Mushroom Collection - Michael Aram

Mushroom Collection

The Mushroom Collection is inspired by the whimsical magic of fairy tales. Humbly emerging from the earth, these fungi have been known for thousands of years to contain mystical powers. They have been used by shamans from cultures all over the world to procure enlightenment and celebrate the deep interconnectedness of life. Michael’s iconic Butterfly Ginkgo is perched upon each piece, further tying in the notion of metamorphosis and transcendent experiences.