New Arrivals

Immerse yourself in the newest offerings from the celebrated artist Michael Aram. Delve into the latest creations that epitomize the essence of Michael Aram's design philosophy. Discover the freshest sculptures, jewelry, and home decor pieces meticulously crafted to captivate and inspire. Indulge in the newest additions to elevate your space and style.

New Arrivals | Michael Aram
Michael Aram Gardenia Enameled White Frame (5X7)
Michael Aram Gardenia Vase
Michael Aram Gardenia Catch All
Michael Aram Gardenia Sculpted Frame
Michael Aram Gardenia Candleholders S/2
Michael Aram Gardenia Bowl
Michael Aram Gardenia Cheeseboard with Knife
Michael Aram Gardenia Object
New Arrivals | Michael Aram

New Arrivals

Embark on a journey through the latest treasures from the renowned artist Michael Aram. Immerse yourself in a world where artistry meets innovation, exploring the newest creations that embody the very soul of Michael Aram's design ethos. Uncover an array of exquisite sculptures, mesmerizing jewelry, and opulent home decor pieces, each meticulously crafted to ignite your imagination and awaken your senses. Treat yourself to the latest additions, destined to elevate your surroundings and redefine your sense of style.